Nayagaon 29 September , (Bharat Sandesh) – An Investor Awareness Workshop was organized by Citizens Awareness Group in association with National Stock Exchange (NSE) and Securities Exchange Board of India (SEBI) in Dhillon Complex Naya Gaon today.
“Everyday wants to earn more money by investing in the huge market. Various companies have employed educated youth and give huge targets to them. But an investor fails to know what has happened to his money. People should search for good companies to invest money” said Suridner Verma, Chairman of (SEBI) recognized Investor Association) Citizens Awareness Group Awareness Group Chandigarh.
Sh. S. Menon, Manager National Stock Exchange spoke on the precautions that should taken by the investor and advised that one should buy stocks only after thoroughly studying the performance of the company concerned.
Sh. H.S. Bajwa President Notified Area Committee Nayagaon proposed vote of thanks and warned the perspective investors to that in equity market it is important to know the capacity take risks. The workshop was attended by 100 investors and the queries put forward by them was answered by the Panelists.