September 30, 2011 admin


Chandigarh, September 30:  Mr. Anil Kaushik, a 1975 batch IPS Officer today took over as new Director General of Police of Punjab. Mr. Kaushik has been appointed DGP on the superannuation of Mr. PS Gill, who retired today.
In a brief ceremony held in the office of DGP, the outgoing DGP Mr. P.S. Gill formally handed over the Charge to the new incumbent of the office wishing him a successful tenure. The top brass of the state police was also present on the occasion.
As the newly appointed DGP reached Punjab Police Headquarters, he was given ceremonial Guard of Honour by the full contingent of Punjab Armed Police. Later on, a Guard of honour was also given to  the outgoing DGP.
After formally taking over as DGP, Mr. Kaushik had a formal meeting with the top brass of Punjab Police where he was briefed about on going activities as well as achievements of the various wings of the department.
Speaking on the occasion, Mr. Kaushik urged the officers to be more accessible to the the public and to be responsive to the grievances of the people at large. Community policing should be a tool to bridge the perceptional divide between the police and the public. He pointed out that Punjab has witnessed high rate of Urbanization in recent years and hence there was a need to come up with effective urban policing strategy. He asked the officers to harness advances in technology including information technology for better crime control and investigation. Being a border state, We have to be fully alive to the ever looming threat of militancy in the region and to develop effective counter insurgency measures including effective intelligence support, he added.

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