October 3, 2011 admin

Chandumajra lambasts Amarinder for his consistent anti-Punjab statements

Chandigarh- The Shiromani Akali Dal General Secretary, Prof. Prem Singh Chandumajra, today lambasted the state Congress chief Capt. Amarinder Singh for his strident anti-Punjab utterances rather than attacking the UPA government at the centre for continuing with the policy of discrimination towards Punjab  with which the party is identified in this state over the years. He said Punjab had always been extended step-motherly treatment starting with non-judicious apportionment of river waters to non-Riparian states, non-inclusion of Chandigarh in Punjab to the latest in the series being the issues  of Hansi-Butana canal and the setting up of thermal power plant at Gidderbaha.

In a statement issued here today, he said  the Congress governments at the centre had been consistently and stridently taking decisions which had always harmed Punjab and ironically, the Congress leaders in this aggrieved state, rather than supporting the people on such issues, have not only been targeting the pro-people Akali Dal but rather rejoicing over cases of blatant injustice with Punjab and its people. He said the people of Punjab demand explanation from the Congress leaders for their criminal collaboration with their party leaders in Delhi  for these anti-people decisions.

Taking Capt. Amarinder Singh to Task, Prof. Chandumajra said rather than joining issues with the centre on the stand taken by the National Thermal Power Corporation on the proposed thermal plant which is to come up at Gidderbaha, he was trying to  ridicule the Akali Dal. He said this p[perverted thinking of Capt. Amarinder Singh was also betrayed in his reaction to the Supreme Court verdict on the issue of construction of a concrete wall along a stretch of the Hansi-Butana canal by the Haryana government.

He said at the time when the entire country was crying due to the uncalled for burden imposed by the UPA government by increasing  fuel prices, it was only Capt. Amarinder Singh who had rather trained his guns towards the Parkash Singh Badal government. He should have gone to Delhi to lodge protest with his high command against this day light loot of the people.

Prof. Chandumajra  said it was such posture adopted by the Congressmen in this state which has encouraged the Congress governments at the centre to adopt anti-Punjab stand on various issues. He alleged the Congressmen had played the role of active collaborators in these discriminatory decisions.

He said the people of Punjab would give a befitting reply to these Congress leaders in the forthcoming Assembly elections. He said the Congress leaders should have realized the mood of the people in the state from the massive support the Akali Dal had received in the Shiromani Gurdwara Parbandhak Committee elections in which the lackeys of the Congress were totally rejected by them. He said the Congress should now be prepared to face the worst as the people would punish this party for anti-people and anti-Punjab decisions.

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