Prof. Prem Kumar Dhumal, Chief Minister said that State Government was making sincere efforts to maintain the rich ‘Dev Parampara’ of Kullu valley and added that State Government was extending full support for organizing International Kullu Dussehra Festival in a traditional manner. He was talking to a deputation of Kullu District Devi Devta Kardar Sangh who called on him at Kullu today. Shri Narottam Negi and Shri Om Prakash Sharma led the deputation.
Chief Minister said that the State Government had extended full support for construction of Dev Sadan and added that a multipurpose complex was being constructed at Kullu for holding social functions besides strengthening the ‘Dev Paramparas’. He said that this complex would provide accommodation facilities to Devi Devtas, Kardars etc. during Kullu Dussehra. He further said that the rich traditions and Dev Paramparas of Kullu valley would be honoured by the State Government.
Prof. Dhumal assured the members of the Sangh to look into their genuine demands sympathetically.
Shri Narotam Negi and Shri Om Prakash Sharma apprised the Chief Minister about their various demands.
Shri Jai Ram Thakur, Rural Development and Panchayati Raj Minister, Pandit Khimi Ram, MLA and State BJP President, Shri Gobind Thakur and Shri Kishori Lal, MLAs, Shri Chander Sen Thakur, Ex-MLA, Shri Ram Singh, District BJP President, Shri B.N.Nainta, Deputy Commissioner and other prominent persons of the area were present on the occasion.