Shimla – Shri I.D.Dhiman, Education Minister was presented ‘Glory of India’ Award by International Friendship Society for his contribution towards the Education sector. The award was presented by Shri Syed Sibtey Razi, former Governor of Jharkhand and Shri G.V.G.Krishnamurthy former Chief Election Commissioner in an International Seminar on‘Role of Education in Modern India’ at New Delhi.
The award was presented for bringing about qualitative improvement in Education, High Admission rate in Higher Education and Lowest Drop-out Rate in the Country. The state was also lauded for its efforts for emerging as an education hub and for setting up a Regulatory Commission for private universities.
Speaking on the occasion, Shri I.D.Dhiman said that the State Government had opened Primary Schools in a radius of 1.5 kms and Middle Schools in a radius of three kms and added that there were 10764 Primary Schools, 2302 Middle, 1271 Senior Secondary School and 851 High Schools functioning in the State.
Education Minister said that functioning of the Education department would be fully computerized soon and added that enrollment of children in the age group of 6-14 was 99.7% and drop out rate had declined to 0.3%. He said that the State had shown improvement in the quality of Primary Education according to Annual Status of Education Report-2010 released by ‘Pratham’ in January, 2011. According to the report the students achieved 77.5% and 81.6% in mathematics and languages respectively in 5th class. He said that the student-teacher ratio in the State was adjudged 1:16 as compared to the national ratio of 1: 40.