October 16, 2011 admin

Mata Shabri Mahila Sashaktikaran Yojana

The role of women is glorified in Manu Smriti with the shlok, ‘Yatra Naari Astu Pujyante, Ramante Tatra Devta’ implying that Gods reside in places where woman is worshiped. The essence of this stands exemplified in letter and spirit in the State of Himachal Pradesh. The women population here is being given equal regard and rights and the State Government is going an extra mile to empower them. Consequently, the State has taken a lead in the country in Women Empowerment.
The State Government believes that women’s empowerment is essential for the overall development of the society. Various welfare schemes have been launched and implemented in the state for the social and economic emancipation of the womenfolk.
With a view to relieve the poor women belonging to below poverty line scheduled caste families from the drudgery of collecting fuel wood, the State Government has formulated a scheme ‘Mata Shabri Mahila Sashaktikaran Yojana’ under which subsidy of 50% or a maximum of Rs 1300 each would be given to women beneficiaries for purchase of a new LPG gas connection and stove. As many as 75 beneficiaries in a particular Assembly segment or a total of 5100 families would be assisted under this scheme ever year in the State.
The selection of beneficiaries under this scheme would be done in the meetings of Gram Sabha/ Nagar Panchayat. In general, this selection would be made every year in the month of April but this year, directives were issued to select beneficiaries in Gram Sabha meeting held this month.

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