CHANDIGARH – Forest and Wild Life Protection Minister, Mr. Arunesh Shakir exhorted the people of Punjab to celebrate ‘Green and Clean’ Diwali free from fire crackers to curtail the level of pollution.
Mr. Shakir said that it is call of the hour to celebrate an environment-friendly Diwali this time and we should set a new trend of celebrating Diwali by exchanging saplings with our nears and dears. He said that varieties of saplings are the best gifts on Diwali celebrations, which not only clean environment but also save our unnecessary spending. Mr. Shakir said that we should avoid unnecessary purchase of crackers and these payments could be use for the protection of environment in the state.
In view of upcoming Diwali festival, Mr. Shakir said that it is moral duty of all Punjabis to give clean environment for next generations so we should pledge to celebrate noise and cracker free and Green Diwali this time.