The need of the hour is to focus on world peace – S. Sukbir Singh Badal
Amritsar – The Guru Nanak Dev University organized a one-Day Seminar on "Enhancing Sikh-Christian Dialogue for World Peace" in the Conference Hall of the Guru Nanak Bhawan, here today. This seminar was organized by the Centre on Studies in Sri Guru Granth Sahib of the University.
S. Sukhbir Singh Badal, Deputy Chief Minister, Punjab and S. Navjot Singh Sidhu, Member Parliament were Special guests of honor on this occasion.
Earlier, Singh Sahib Giani Joginder Singh Vedanti, Former Jathedar Sri Akaal Takht Sahib inaugurated the seminar while His Eminence Cardianl Jean-Marie Tauran presided over. Prof. Ajaib Singh Brar, Vice-Chancellor welcomed the guests and other dignitaries. Father Curien Muttathupadam presented his views and Dr. Balwant Singh Dhillon, Director of the Centre detailed about the seminar.
S. Sukbir Singh Badal welcomed the Cardianl Jean-Marie Tauran and said that the entire world in engulfed in economic competition. Where as the need of the hour is to focus on world peace. He said that at present world peace is the main international issue, which needs to be addressed earnestly. He said that Punjab, the land of the Gurus, who have taught us the lession of peaceful co-existence and peace. He said that fundamentals of all religions are same and each religion teaches us to respect others. In this context, he said that Punjab is an eminent example of peaceful co-existence among all. People of Punjab belong to different religion and there is no conflict between them. Although, the Christian are a minority in Punjab, the Government has always being positive to their sensitivities.
Singh Sahib Giani Joginder Singh Vedanti elaborated upon the present situations and said that past has taught us the fundamentalism; tyrannical rule and terrorism are not good for the development of man. These do not lead us to the establishment of peaceful atmosphere. Excessive expenditure on armaments will not create world peace.
Sikh Religion, He said, is based on the foundation of peace, because our Gurus believe that all humans are the children of God. Humanitarian services have made Sikh religion as region of the world. He said that only those can regard other religion as good, who are well wersed in their own religion.
Prof. Ajaib Singh Brar appreciated the inter-faith relationship for the peace of the world. He said that in past, there was clash between Science and Religion, but now these are complementary to each other for the welfare of mankind. He said that if all religious leaders stay along then they can give the proper guidance to the world for peace. He said today it has become a basic necessity for the inter-faith dialogues so this seminar is just beginning to move ahead in this direction.
Archbishop Pier Lugi Celate, Secretary of Pontificial Council for inter-religious dialogue from, Archbishop Salvatore Pennachio Ambassador of Rome to India and Nuncio in India, Bishop Thomas Dabre, Bishop Anil Couto-Bishop of Jalandhar, Father Santiogo, Secretary of India, Father peter, PRO of the Dioeoso and Father Roby organizer of this meeting and Director of St. Francis School, Amritsar were also present.
Professor In-charge, Public Relations