Punjab and Chandigarh College Teachers Union (PCCTU) has called upon Managements’ Federation of Non-Govt. Colleges of Punjab & Chandigarh and Principals’ Federation of Non-Govt. Colleges of Punjab and Chandigarh to extend support to its agitation. The union of non-teaching employees has already joined the protest to make it a joint protest. In a statement Dr. Jagwant Singh, President, PCCTU said their demands concern not only the welfare of employees but also the good health and well being of these institutions which have rendered yeomen’s service to the society since independence. These institutions are facing difficult times due to the neglect of the Punjab state Govt.
e reminded that Haryana has decided to implement pension-gratuity scheme for college employees. Its scheme was put into operation, but even after a lapse of more than a decade the scheme remains unimplemented in Punjab. He also pointed out that there is no ban on recruitment in Haryana, H.P. and J & K. It is only the youth of Punjab which will pay the price for the state neglect.
The two hour strike continued throughout the state. In the meanwhile Education Minister has invited PCCTU leadership for talks on November 15, 2011.
Dr. Jagwant Singh
President, PCCTU