December 8, 2011 admin


Amarkot (Tarn Taran), December 8- Punjab Chief Minister Mr Parkash Singh Badal today said that the SAD-BJP alliance government would stage a historic comeback in the state exclusively on the poll plank of development, peace and communal harmony.
            Addressing a mammoth gathering during a public rally of the Khemkaran Assembly segment held here today, the Chief Minister said that owing to unprecedented developmental works conducted in the state the stage has been set for the SAD-BJP alliance to set a record of constituting the government successively for a second consecutive term. He said that due to the relentless efforts of their government the state has witnessed tremendous progress in all the fields including the power, infrastructure, health and education. Mr Badal further said that baffled over the unparalleled development of the state the opposition parties could hardly find any issue to criticize them and they are just beating around the bush to attract the public attention.
            Making a scathing attack on the Congress party, the Chief Minister said that the people of Punjab especially the Sikhs could not forget the deep wounds inflicted by this party by attacking holiest shrine of Sri Harmandir Sahib and by killing many innocent people in anti Sikh carnage of 1984. Likewise he said that the discrimination met by the Congress leaders by snatching away the capital of the state and its due share of river waters could not be forgotten. Mr Badal also said that Congress was responsible for reducing the size of the state from a bigger one, which had ultimately resulted in derailment of the development process in the state.
Training his guns against the Congress party, the Chief Minister said that in their more then five decades of rule over the country the party had never set up any big industrial project in the state to accelerate the development in it. However he said that instead of it the Congress leaders have always sabotaged the development of state by stalling the developmental projects initiated during their tenure. Slamming the state Congress leadership, Mr Badal said that instead of spitting venom against them in the state these Congress leaders must ask their high command and the central leadership to pour in funds and developmental works in the state for the welfare of public. “These leaders who are largely busy in merry time activities hardly have any guts to raise voice against their central leadership, the ultimate result of which is that state is suffering due to their silence” he added.
The Chief Minister lamented that due to the anti-farmers policies of the Congress led UPA government at the centre almost every farmer of the state is indebted under heavy loans. Mr Badal said that due to the Union government’s policy of gross discrimination and apathy towards Punjab, the farmers of state are on the brink of economic disaster adding that the wrong policies of UPA government have virtually ruined them. He further said that due to exorbitant rise in the agricultural inputs and callous attitude of centre in providing adequate rates to their produce, the farmers of the state who had made the country self sufficient in food are now on the verge of starvation. The Chief Minister reiterated that it was irony of fate that though Congress had always claimed itself to be votary of common man but today due to its wrong policies the maladies like unemployment, illiteracy, poverty and inflation had enormously affected their life.   “But surprisingly the Congress leaders have never minced any word against these wrong policies” he added.
The Chief Minister also announced a grant of Rs 3 crore to be spent on developmental works in the constituency. Likewise he also promised that Bhikiwind would be accorded a status of Sub Division.  
Addressing the gathering President of the Youth Akali Dal and MLA Mr Bikram Singh Majithia criticized the entire Congress leadership for ignoring the interests of the state. Assailing the Congress leadership for remaining mum on key issues concerning the state, he dared the Congress leaders to exhibit their bravery by raising the genuine demands of the state before the Congress high command and the Union government. The former Minister exhorted the people of the state to route out the Congress party from the political arena of the state so that era of unparalleled development ushered by SAD-BJP could be sustained.
The rally was also addressed by former Union Minister Mr Balwant Singh Ramoowalia, Lok Sabha MP Dr Rattan Singh Ajnala and MLA Prof. Virsa Singh Valtoha.
Earlier the Chief Minister also laid down a foundation stone of high level bridge to be constructed over river Beas for connecting Doaba and Majha regions of the state at village Karmuwala.  Addressing a public rally here the Chief Minister exhorted the people of state to rise above the narrow and parochial values of groups and political considerations for extending support and vote to SAD-BJP alliance for continuity of an era of unprecedented development in the state. 

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