LUDHIANA, DECEMBER 9: The attack of late blight disease on potato crop has been noticed in the fields of Hoshiapur district. According to the survey conducted by the Department of Plant Pathology, Punjab Agricultural University (PAU), the disease is a big cause of concern for the potato growers. Divulging this, Dr T.S. Thind, Head, Plant Pathology, told that late blight disease causes reduction in potato yield. Referring to its symptoms, he said that the small water-soaked spots appear on the margins of the leaves which later turn into black patches with whitish fungus growth, visible on the lower surface of the affected leaf in the morning hours.
Due to fall in temperature and changing weather, the attack of late blight on potato can cause more harm, cautioned Dr Thind. Therefore, farmers are advised to spray the crop with fungicide Indofil M-45 or Antracol or Kavach @ 500-700 g by mixing it well in 250-300 litres of water. He asked the farmers to repeat the spray after the gap of one week.
In case the rain continues and weather remains cold, the incidence of late blight can be more rigorous. Under the disease risk situation, Ridomil Gold or Sackteen 60 DBW- G or Curzate M-8 (700g/acre) or Equation Pro (200 ml/acre) should be sprayed according to the requirement. Dr Thind also asked the farmers to follow PAU recommended practices for the control of late blight effectively.