December 15, 2011 admin


Gidderbaha (Sri Muktsar Sahib), December 15-  Punjab Chief Minister Mr Parkash Singh Badal today said that the Congress led UPA government at the centre was not disclosing the list of 3600 people who have stashed their black money abroad because the names of many senior Congress leaders also figure in it.
Talking to the newsmen here during the Sangat Darshan program of villages falling in the Gidderbaha assembly segment, the Chief Minister assailed the Union government for not making public the names of the persons who have hidden their money in foreign banks. Mr Badal said that a huge amount worth Rs 6500 lakh crore have been hoarded by many affluent people, which include senior Congress leaders, illegally in the foreign banks but unfortunately the centre government was not taking any genuine step to get it back. He said that despite the fact that UPA government had in an affidavit submitted in the Supreme Court admitted that it was well aware about the names of those people who have deposited money in foreign countries, the Union government was not making these names public which clearly indicates that the UPA government was shielding the owners of this illegally accumulated wealth. The Chief Minister categorically said that the sole reason for not making the list public was that it would expose the name of many senior Congress leaders who have deposited the black money abroad.  
    Training his guns against the UPA government, the Chief Minister reiterated that it has broken the back bone of a common man by increasing the price of petrol manifolds in their whole tenure. He said that it was regrettable that even now the Union government was planning for another hike in the prices of petrol which would further aggrieve the situation. Mr Badal said that any such fresh increase in the prices of petrol would further accentuate inflationary trends much to the dismay of common man. The Chief Minister lamented that it was the Congress party which was responsible for the plight of common man as during its five decades of rule over the country it has never bothered to keep any check over the serious problems faced by the country including the unemployment, illiteracy, poverty and even the corruption. Accusing the Congress led UPA government for being neck deep in corruption, Mr Badal said that it had surpassed all its previous records of corrupt practices thereby grossly responsible for complete administrative breakdown.
    The Chief Minister once again reiterated that Congress has always adopted an apathetic attitude the state a testimony to which was that it has ruined the industry and agriculture of state by enacting anti Punjab policies. He said that the worst thing was that Congress had inflicted a deep wound to Punjabis in general and Sikhs in particular by attacking Sri Harmandir Sahib and through planned anti Sikh carnage of 1984. 
    Making a derisive attack on former state Finance Minister and PPP leader Mr Manpreet Singh Badal, the Chief Minister said that in the upcoming assembly elections the people of state would teach him a lesson by trouncing all of his candidates badly. He said that Mr Manpreet Badal would not get even a single assembly seat and the results of assembly polls would send him to political oblivion because he has deceived his mother party by joining hands with the Congress. He said that wise voters of state are well aware of the fact that SAD-BJP has always ensured development of the state whereas the Congress has always tried to derail the progress of state and had hurt of the psyche of Punjabis by irrelevantly interfering in their social, political, economic and even religious affairs. He said that by playing in the hands of Congress Mr Manpreet is also harming the interests of state just for the sake of his own vested ones.
    He said that current SAD-BJP regime of the state has brought new resurgence in the state by ensuring development in all the fields whether of power, agriculture, infra structure, health or even education. The Chief Minister said that realizing well their duty towards the welfare of poor and downtrodden people their government has initiated a number of welfare schemes, which have duly benefited them.
    During the Sangat Darshan program the Chief Minister disbursed a grant of Rs 2 crore for developmental works of five villages falling in the constituency. 

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