CHANDIGARH, January 16: Punjab Pradesh Congress Committee President Capt Amarinder Singh today welcomed the inquiry against the Deputy Chief Minister Sukhbir Badal and vigilance chief Sumedh Singh Saini, ordered by a court, following a complaint by senior IAS officer Mr VK Janjua that he (Sukhbir) used vigilance bureau to fabricate false cases against him after he refused to pay Rs one crore to Sukhbir as allegedly demanded by him.
Capt Amarinder said, it was good that law has finally started catching up with both Sukhbir Badal and Sumedh Saini who will have to answer for their actions of victimizing and intimidating people, mostly their political opponents, during the last five years. "Good that we did not need to do it after coming to power, they have met their nemesis earlier than expected", he remarked.
The PCC President said, the complaint by such a senior officer had only vindicated his party’s stand that Sukhbir Badal had used the vigilance bureau to settle scores with his opponents and those who failed to submit to his demands. He said, it was so shameful and unfortunate that Sukhbir used vigilance bureau against his own officers to arm-twist them.
Condemning the Deputy Chief Minister for such criminal intimidation of the officers, he pointed out, if that was the fate of such a senior and influential IAS officer anybody can well imagine what must have happened with the common man, particularly the Congress workers who were hounded by the vigilance bureau all these years at the behest of the Akalis led by Sukhbir.