CHANDIGARH , January 19, 2012. : CPI (M ) appeals to the voters of Punjab to exercise their franchise on 30th January 2012 without fear for the CPI(M) and Sanjha Morcha candidates to get rid of the successive Congress and Akali-BJP regimes which have pushed Punjab in backward gear where one crore population comprising of peasants , agricultural workers and industrial workers is reeling under poverty and Punjab is pushed to 14th place among various states of India.
The CPI (M)’s appeal to voters released here today to press by Comrade Charan Singh Virdi, State Secretary , CPI ( M ) , Punjab promises to work for waiving off all the debts of peasantry and for setting up of a Kerala type pattern of debt waiving system .The peasantry should be given loan at 4 % interest rate . 24 hours power supply to agriculture sector should be ensured. The supply of good quality seeds, pesticides and fertilizers should be supplied at subsidised rates. To ensure remunerative prices for agricultural produce the policy of support price and government procurement should be continued. Forward trading should be stopped. Irrigation facilities should be expanded and public investment should be made on research.Special attention be paid to the development of so far neglected Kandi, Bet and Border areas.
It is asserted in the appeal to voters that the real issues in these elections are corruption, rising prices,unemployment, crisis in agriculture, costly education and unaffordable health facilities. Both the parties ie Akali-BJP combine and Congress are avoiding to mention these issues.
Regarding industrial workers Com. Virdi said that the party will ensure that minimum wage of unskilled worker be raised to Rs 10,000/- per month . Contract system be abolished. The minimum wage of agricultural worker be fixed as Rs 250/- per day and they be ensured atleast work for 200 days in a year. All the 14 essential commodities be supplied through Public Distribution system ( PDS ).
It is promised in the appeal that effective steps would be taken to stop atrocities on women. 33 % reservation for women in assembly should be ensured. Anti dowry and domestic violence laws should be enforced stringently..
Comrade Virdi asserted that the CPI (M) will make all efforts to get Chandigarh transferred to Punjab , for justified settlement of river waters dispute and counter claims on territories should be sorted out in the frame work of Rajiv- Longowal accord. He further stated that Education and health facilities should be made cheaper and affordable for all sections of society.. All vacant posts of teachers should be filled up. ITIs should be opened in rural and remote areas. A mechanism should be in place to regulate private educational institutes..Punjabi should be made compulsory in all departments and offices. Literature and culture needs tobe safeguarded against attacks from western imperialistic reactionery and revivalist forces.
To bring about transparency in official working RTI Act should be further strengthened.Corruption should checked at all levels through anti- corruption movements by involving common people.
In citities and towns drinking water, sewerage , roads and power supply should be arranged properly in mohallas of weaker people and user charges be reduced.
Comrade Virdi made an earnest appeal to the voters to discard both the Alkali-BJP combine and Congress in the ensuing elections and elect CPI(M) and Sanjha Morcha candidates. The Sanjha Morcha comprising of Peoples Party of Punjab ( PPP ) , CPI(M) , CPI and SAD ( Longowal ) can provide a responsive government which can usher in a prosperous Punjab.