LUDHIANA, FEBRUARY 10: A “Beginners training course on beekeeping” organized for the farmers and the farm women of Punjab, concluded here today. The course was jointly organised by the Directorate of Extension Education and the Department of Entomology of the Punjab Agricultural University (PAU), under the aegis of National Horticulture Mission (NHM) funded project on ‘Human resource development in beekeeping.’ About 35 trainees from eight districts of the Punjab participated in the course.
In his presidential remarks, Dr Dulcha Singh Brar, Professor of Entomology, highlighted the history of successful introduction and release of Apis mellifera (Italian bees) into the country by the PAU. He said, “Within a short span, due to strenuous research efforts of the PAU scientists, technology dissemination and faster adoption of the technologies by the farmers, the Punjab state has emerged as a leader in beekeeping with the highest production of apiary honey in the country.” Dr Brar exhorted the trainees to subscribe and read farm literature, published by the PAU, to update their knowledge about various agricultural aspects including beekeeping. He distributed the certificates among the participants and assured all technical help from the PAU.
Addressing the participants, Dr Ramesh Arora, Chairperson, Academic Committee (Research) of the department, advised the trainees to differentiate among the harmful and useful insects. The useful ones need to be conserved and the agricultural activities should not be destructive towards them, he emphasized, while informing that these useful insects may include pollinators, parasitoids and predators.
Dr P. K.Chhuneja, Principal Investigator (PI) of the project-cum-Technical Coordinator of the course, presented the detailed report of the training programme. He told that during the course, trainees were imparted training in seasonal bee management practices, management of bee enemies and diseases including the problem of Varroa and wax moths. Besides, the experts shed light on the queen bee rearing techniques, honey extraction, processing, packing, quality and collection of other honey products viz. bee wax, royal jelly, pollen and propolis. The trainees were also educated about the species of honey bees, their castes and division of labour, life cycle of Italian honey bees, various considerations for starting beekeeping, and design and application of various apicultural equipment and machinery. Dr Jaspal Singh, the Co-PI of the project, proposed the vote of thanks.