February 14, 2012 admin


LUDHIANA, FEBRUARY 14: Dr. Amrik Singh Sidhu, an eminent Vegetable Breeder who served Punjab Agricultural University (PAU) in various capacities as Head, Department of Vegetable Crops, Director, Regional Station, Faridkot and Bathinda, was given a warm send off by the faculty, staff and students of Departments of Vegetable Crops, Landscaping and Floriculture and Horticulture of PAU in a special function organized in the Students’ Home Auditorium.   Dr. Sidhu, who is currently serving as Director, Indian Institute of Horticultural Research, Hesserghatta, Bangalore and has earlier served as Head of the Division of Vegetable Crops at Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi, retired upon superannuation from PAU.
            Introducing Dr. Sidhu, the Dean, College of Agriculture, Dr. D.S.Cheema described him as a dedicated worker possessing positive approach in life.  The Director of Research, Dr. S.S.Gosal said that Dr. Sidhu contributed toward vegetable farming in Punjab by developing 25 improved varieties and hybrids together with their production technologies.  The Additional Director of Communication, Dr. Jagtar Singh Dhiman said that Dr. Sidhu has always been pro-active in his working.  The Head of the Department of Vegetable Crops, Dr. P.S.Brar highlighted the contributions made by Dr. Sidhu while the former Head, Dr. K.S.Brar said that Dr. Sidhu is an all encompassing scientist and an excellent human being.  Best wishes were given to Dr. Sidhu for his future endeavours.  Mr. P.P.S.Pangli, President of the PAU Kisan Club and Dr. Gosal honoured Dr. Sidhu with shawl and mementos.
            Dr. Sidhu appreciated PAU for its excellent programmes and added that whatever he is doing or has done is all due to the training he got from PAU.  He thanked all those present on the occasion for the love and support they offered him throughout his service career at PAU.

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