May 10, 2012 admin

Program on Hhealth, nutrition and fitness ends at KCW

Amritsar, May 10 (        (Bharatsandesh news):                   )-A ten day-longunique program on health, nutrition and fitness today concluded at KhalsaCollege for Women (KCW). The program that was opened to all students of theCollege and even outsiders, was organized by Home Science Department of thecollege with the aim to inculcate the sense of `nutritious food and fitnessthrough Yoga and Pranayams, said KCW Principal Dr. Sukhbir Kaur Mahal. She saidin this age of junk food and sedentary life style, healthy living is onlypossible through the scientific way of cooking the food, proper food storage  and adoptingright food habits.
The studentsparticipated in large number and they learnt Pranayams and Yoga Asanas andlearnt the ways to cook food. “It was a blend of food and exercise to healthylife’’, said Dr Mahal. The students Rashmi, Harpreet, Vanita and Payal sharedtheir experiences relating the training program and the winner students weregiven the certificates by Dr. Mahal in the presence of teachers Prof. HarjinderChatha and Nivedata while Khalsa College Governing Council, PR Deputy Director,DS Rataul was also present

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