Chandigarh, May 10(Bharatsandesh news):Punjab Government to set up Rogi Kalian Societies for needy patients. Disclosing this here today Medical Education and Research Minister Bhagat Chunni Lal said that these societies would be set up in Government Medical, Dental and Ayurvedic Colleges of Amritsar and Patiala which will be of a great help for needy patients.
The Minister said that Rogi Kalian Societies can be registered under society Act till 31st May. He told that under Rogi Kalian Society get donation for needy patients from donors. These societies will be able to remove all hindrances in the way of donors who want to help needy patients. He said that earlier it was very difficult for donors to help patients as their was no policy for donors. He further told that different account will be opened and donors will also get income tax rebate.
Medical Education and Research Minister told that at Amritsar and Patiala Principal of Government Medical College will be the chairmen of Rogi Kalian Society. Amongst others one medical superintendent and one deputy medical superintendent, one DCFA and one ACFA and one nominee of NGOs will be the members of these societies.