Chandigarh, may 10(Bharatsandesh news)::Wheat procurement in Punjab is leaping towards the magical mark of 1.20 lakh tonnes with 11887794 lakh tonnes, wheat was procured in 1750 procurement centers of Punjab till Wednesday evening. With 1.63 lakh tonnes of procurement in a single day on Wednesday, the Punjab Government is hopeful of surpassing the newly set target of 1.20 lakh tonnes.
The spokesman said that most of the procurement was by the official agencies as they have procured 11817609 tonnes whereas traders have only picked-up 1923 tonnes. Meanwhile, the state agencies have also starting procuring wheat for state food as on Thursday 68262 tonnes were procured in this pool. Till May 9, punsup had procured 2695882 tonnes (22.68%) whereas MARKFED procured 2620844 tonnes (22.05%). PUNGRAIN procured 2012807 tonnes (16.93%), paic had procured 1353642 tonnes (11.39%) whereas Pswc was able to procure 1346245 tonnes (11.32 %) of wheat.
The Central Government agency FCI had been able to procure 1788189 tonnes (15.04%).
The spokesman added that District Sangrur with 1183512 tonnes of procurement was leading in procurement operations whereas District Patiala with 1010360 tonnes of procurement was at second slot and district Ludhiana with 1005395 tonnes of procurement ranked at third position.
The State Government has set up more than 1750 procurement centres and activated its total machinery to ensure smooth procurement