May 11, 2012 admin

Auto rickshaws running on GT Road blocking entry and exitof Guru Nanak Dev University gates

Amritsar, May 11(Bharatsandesh news   ) Autorickshaws running on the GT Road blocks the entry and exit gates ofthe Guru Nanak Dev University due to their sudden stoppage to pick thetravelers in front of the university main gates. This causes traffic jamresulting inconvenient to the students, teachers, university employees and thegeneral public seeking entry or exit from the university.
Col. HarbansSingh, Security Officer of the University pleaded the auto ricshaws and othersvehicle owner and their Union leaders not to stop or park their vehicles infront of the main gate of the university on G.T. Road and Ramtirath Road. Hesaid that If they do not desist from parking their vehicles, the universitysecurity staff would be forced to get suitable legal action initiated againstthe defaulters.
He alsosuggested that the permanent solution of this problem to the MunicipalCorporation Amritsar to menace is the installation of traffic lights at thecrossing opposite university main gate.

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