May 17, 2012 admin

Capt Amarinder supports Swaminathan’s demand for Rs 100 bonus

CHANDIGARH, May 17: Punjab Pradesh Congress Committee President Capt Amarinder Singh today supported the demand by eminent agricultural scientist Dr MS Swaminathan that the state government should provide Rs 100 per quintal bonus to the farmers.
In a statement issued here today, Capt Amarinder said, the Punjab government which claims itself to be the guardian of the farmers’ rights and cause should announce the bonus on wheat for the farmers in the state.
The PCC President said, Dr Swaminathan was the father of the Green Revolution in the country and the Punjab government should respect his opinion. He pointed out, Rajasthan and Maharashtra government had already announced Rs 100 per quintal bonus for its farmers and Punjab should also come forward and provide the much needed bonus to Punjab farmers.

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