LUDHIANA, MAY 18: With the rising temperature in May, there is a need to incorporate simple measures for the home management and ensure healthy diet for the children as well as family members. Providing useful tips for the household activities, the home scientists of the Punjab Agricultural University (PAU) called upon the farm women and the home makers to pay proper attention to the care of clothes, health, home and children in this month.
Stressing on cleaning and cooling of home, Dr Surinderjit Kaur suggested, “Apply castor oil as polish on light fittings, bulbs, switches, channels, grooves and fans, etc., to keep the flies away. For keeping cockroaches away, pour a jug full of boiled water and a cup of kerosene oil in all the drains in house at least once a week at night. Use phenyl or salt in water for mopping floors to keep the flies and ants away.” Asking the home makers to use thick curtains to keep the rooms cool, she underlined the need to clean the home daily to avoid accumulation of dirt and foul smell.
Discussing about the selection and care of clothes, Dr Harinder Saggu advised that one should wear protective clothes, use a face mask and wear gum boots to cover feet while working with insecticides/pesticides as well as plucking vegetables from the fields. Wear only soft, light weighted clothes of light colours, said she, while suggesting avoiding too tight/loose sleeves and bottoms of lower garments. Wash the bed sheets, pillow covers, etc. thoroughly and put 3-4 drops of some disinfectant in the last rinse of wash water, she added.
Referring to the diet and health care, Dr Kiran Grover said that high sugar liquids should be avoided. Eat light, nutritious and non-fatty meals and include foods like sprouted and fermented products, salads, raitas, pudina/raw mango chutney in daily diet. Advising the general public to avoid spicy, fried and junk foods, she asked them to add more seasonal fresh fruits like watermelon, muskmelon and vegetables like cucumber, pumpkin, tori, lauki, etc. in their daily diet. Drink lots of water, at least 8-10 glasses a day, to keep the body cool, she stressed.
Laying thrust on the care of children, Dr Sukhminder Kaur said that maximum use of lemon water, sharbats and squash should be made during these days. Do not allow the children to eat from street vendors and always prepare a variety of fresh food for the tiffin that children carry to the school. She advised the parents to keep a small light weight umbrella in the children’ bag to avoid heat stroke and give them a bottle with clean drinking water since unhygienic water is the main source of stomach problems in summers.