Amritsar, August 16( Bharatsandesh news )- The festival of Teej was celebrated at the Guru Nanak Dev University Campus with great pomp and show in the Heritage Bhawan Complex of the University. This festival was organized by the Department of Students Welfare.
Dr. Sarvjit Kaur Brar, President of Ladies Club and Lady Vice-Chancellor presided over. Dr. Inderjit Singh, Registrar and his wife Mrs. Surinder Kaur, Dr. P.K. Shejpal, Dean, Students Welfare, Dr. Sharanjit Singh Dhillon, Prof. Incharge (Finance & Development), Col. Harban Singh, Chief Security Officer, Dr. Vasudha Sambyal and Dr. Meenakshi both hostel wardens, Ms. Jobanjit Kaur and many students were presents at this occasion.
Dr. Sarvjit Brar detailed the relevance of this Festival. She said that our young generation is following the western culture today and forgetting their rich cultural heritage. She said that this type of events should be encouraged in all educational institutes.
Dr. Inderjit Singh also appealed the students to participate in this type of events to get acquaintance with our cultural heritage. Students also preformed Gidha by reciting bolian and also enjoyed rope swinging. Colourful stalls of Bangles alongwith traditional Punjabi food were also organized. The main attraction of festival was traditionally decorated Tonga carrying cheif guest to the venue.