Chandigarh, 21 March 2013:– The Punjab State Commission for Scheduled Castes on Thursday proceeded further on a complaint regarding assault of Head Constable Mr. Jai Pal belonging to Scheduled Castes Community by Congress MLAs, who ridiculed him with casteist remarks on March 13, 2013 and it recorded the statement of Speaker Punjab Vidhan Sabha Mr. Charanjit Singh Atwal.
Mr. Rajesh Bagha, Chairman Commission for Scheduled Castes accompanied by Mr. Parkash Singh Gardhiwala and Mr. Dalip Singh Pandhi, Members of Commission informed that they recorded the statement of the Speaker as he was the Custodian of Punjab Vidhan Sabha, where the alleged assault and denigration of an on duty Head Constable, belonging to SC Category, took place.
They informed that the Victim was working under the superintendence and control of Punjab Vidhan Sabha and discharging duty allocated by Secretary Vidhan Sabha and it was imperative to record their statements to further investigate complaint.
The Chairman said that in his detailed statement given to the Commission, the Speaker informed them about the sequence of events, including assault on the on duty victim by a group of Congress MLAs. He also informed about complaint received from the victim regarding his manhandling along denigration being a member of SC Community and action taken by him as Speaker of Punjab Vidhan Sabha on the complaint.
He also informed that the complaint has been also forwarded to Chandigarh Police that has registered a FIR on the said complaint under section 147,149, 332, 353, 384 of the IPC.
Mr. Madan Mohan Mittal, Cabinet Minister for Parliamentary Affairs was also present on the occasion.