Gurdaspur, June 3(Bharatsandesh news)- Mr. Fateh Jung Singh Bajwa General Secretary of Punjab Pradesh Congress Committee (PPCC) today demanded from SAD-BJP government to issue white paper on utilization of central funds received by it under various welfare schemes and development projects.
In a statement here Mr. Bajwa said that Punjab government had misused the central funds meant for the poor and scheduled castes and failed to fully utilize the development funds. He said that SAD-BJP government couldn’t use grants worth over Rs.750 crores under Jawahar Lal Nehru Urban Renew Mission (JNURM) only because it didn’t give the matching grant of 25 percent.
He said that most of the welfare schemes and development projects in Punjab were funded by center government. He said that SAD-BJP government can’t name a single welfare scheme which it has launched at its own. He said that Ambulance service 108, sarv sikhsha abhayan and stipend for SC and BC students, roads and bridges were funded by center. He said that the state government had not paid money to the beneficiates of shagun scheme and old age and widow pension for the last many months.
Mr.Bajwa said that Finance Minister of Punjab had admitted that Rs.2000 crores of central funds were misused for other purposes. He said that Rs.53 crores for payment of stipend to SC students was diverted for some other purpose and center sends about Rs.1000 crore unde Sarv Sikhsha Abhiyan which is either not used or misused. He said that recent case of embezzlement of central funds by education minister Mr.Sikandar Singh Maluka is an eye opener.
He said that Punjab government parked about Rs.3500 crores in accounts of corporations and boards to escape audit of funds. He said that CAG report has claimed that Rs.1600 crores of it was untraceable in the state government accounts.
Meanwhile, Mr. Bajwa complimented UPA government for launching scheme to transfer subsidy of gas cylinders directly to bank accounts of connection holders. He said that this would bring transparency in the system and eliminate middle men.